"Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely."

Friday, February 6, 2009

Do you believe?

Do you believe that America is great? Do you believe in capitalism? Do you believe in self-reliance? Do you believe that the entrepreneurial spirit is one of this country's most powerful assets? Do you believe in taking action, and not just waiting around for someone to make your life better? Do you believe in being generous, but not trust the government to most effectively use your money to help others? Do you believe that the government belongs to the people, and thus must answer to the people?

Do you love your freedoms? Do you love America? Do you admire the wisdom, courage, and independence of those who risked all to create and preserve her?

If you feel as I do, then please check out my new blog: For the Love of Liberty. I just posted something on there that I think is a neat idea, and I know not that many people have checked out the blog yet. Also, please feel free to tell other like-minded individuals about it - I don't care if I know them. If they are a friend of yours, they are a friend of mine!


The Kammeyers said...

A HUGE CONGRATS on the pregnancy, Michelle! I couldn't be more thrilled for you! :)

Also, I LOVE your new blog, and totally have a link to it on my page. :) I, too, have a lot of patriotism for this wonderful country. Thanks for your great example of taking action in whatever ways we can. :) Have a great weekend!


Jill said...

Hey, do I know you well enough for you to not think I'm a weirdo commenting on your blog? I hope so:) Your family is adorable and I love your writing style. Congrats on the pregnancy and I am excited to check in with your liberty blog from time to time.

Angie Larkin said...

Ok. I have the perfect get together opportunity if you are free and feeling up to it. On friday, my girlfriend is putting together a little V-Day get together at our condo park here at University Crest. I don't have the times and stuff yet, but I'll tell Julie too. It's just a bring your kid's bike and a treat and hang out with moms thing.