Necessity is the mother of invention... which is a truth that becomes very real on those days when I have not yet made it to the grocery store (but desperately need to go) and my kids are hungry for lunch! Today was one of those days, but I am very pleased with the delicious (and healthy) lunch we had, notwithstanding the many ingredients (like bread and tuna) that were not to be found in our house. I was going to make tuna, but realized that I didn't have any - so I decided to do something with canned salmon instead...which turned out to be a good choice (not something I can claim every time, trust me). We had two different salads with some chips on the side, and since it was such a hit with the kids, I decided to share:
* One medium sized wedge of cabbage, pureed in food processor
* Some red onion also pureed
* 1/2 green bell pepper, finely chopped
* 2 Tablespoons or so of finely chopped fresh parsley
* 2 stalks of celery (with tops), finely chopped
* 3/4 of a large cucumber, finely chopped
* 1/2 of a large tomato
* a little sea salt, to taste
* a few squeezes of fresh lemon juice
* One can of cooked wild salmon (I always get Trader Joe's brand) - water drained off the top
* One large, crisp dill pickle, chopped up
* 1/2 large tomato, chopped into small pieces
* a little bit of red onion, pureed in food processor
* a little salt
* a little freshly squeezed lemon juice
* some mayo
The main thing with the salmon is to make sure that it is very well mashed up and mixed so that there are no chunks (it would be gross to see pieces of bones or skin, which I always leave in for the incredible nutritional value... neither of these parts of the fish make it taste yukky, they just look weird).
The kids, especially Weston, had a great time in the rain and mud! It is such a treat here in the desert. Here are a few pictures that prove we actually do get rain here in Las Vegas!
Those salads sound delicious! You always have been a good cook. :)
Mud, glorious mud! I just love it when lunch is lovely...even without the ingredients I wanted. Yum!
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