The first was of Ronald Reagan. Here is the pattern that he used:To be honest, just looking at this pattern confuses me. Here he is diligently working away:Now, for the end result. Is this stunning or what? In the light, it looks like just a random face carved into the pumpkin. But the dark reveals Reagan' s face perfectly! Now for the second beauty. This one is extremely impressive, because Jason actually designed the pattern himself from a picture. Not bad, huh? He LOVES Ghost Busters (and Ronald Reagan for that matter) so this was perfect for him. Did he do a great job or what?
Oh, my gosh. My husband loves Ronnie AND "Ghostbusters" TOO! They should be friends.
no doubt! he did dang good!
That is amazing!
What an amazing, and yet useless (except for one time of the year), talent.
Ha ha, just kidding. He really is good at what he does. That Reagan head blows me away! Does he do anything else that requires such intricate detail work and patience?
That really is good. My house will probably not even carve pumpkins this year. We have a few plastic jack-o-lanterns and that will have to be good enough.
Weston a maniacal devil child? Oh, no, Michelle. You must be confused. That cute little boy would NEVER do anything as evil as behaving badly in the mall! That must have been somebody ELSE'S evil child!
Tee hee--Katie and I were always pretty good girls and we certainly thought so. We'd always look haughtily at other naughtier children. But my mom remembers fondly every trip to Nordstrom we'd take that would end in her hauling at least ONE of us out from under racks of clothes by our legs. Something about Nordstrom would trigger the evil inside, and there was no getting around it! At the age of seven, Katie and I were also banned from the Trappist Abbey, a Catholic monastery in Portland where we attended Midnight Mass. Our ringleader cousin Patrick + too much candy + too little supervision = mischief. See, I was a very cute baby. It was simply bound to happen!!!
By the way, Carl was amazed too. (And he rarely is amazed.) Did Jason win the contest?
Oh my goodness, those are amazing!! What a talented hubby you have! :)
P.S. I thought of you when we were in Vegas this past weekend. :) Sadly, it was just a very quick stop.
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